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2002 Race Results
Note to readers: The information on this page was written in 2002. Unfortunately, over time, news sources will remove older articles, so you will find a number of dead-end links here, but all of the photos and information we wrote at the time remains in full!
Class Day
It was a day for the seniors and for those who like bbq'd burgers as Class Day 2002 kicked off the season at the Montlake Cut.
Both the senior men and women won the featured events of the day - click here to read more about the races at GoHuskies.com.
The bbq was open to all who attended, including the reunion classes of 1972, '82 and '92. The highlight of the event at the shellhouse was the dedication of the Dick Erickson racing shell, christened by Irma Erickson - with finish line water from the west end of the Cut - and inaugurated by the victorious Men's class of 2002.
Thank you to the following people who made the bbq and day what it was: Cliff Hurn, Class of '72 coordinator, Ellen Ernst, Class of '82 coordinator, Eric Cohen and Al Forney, event coordinators, Matt Minas and Paul Yount, Class of '92 coordinators (and expert burger flippers), Jim Pugel, Al Erickson, Joanna Hess and Allison Urback for helping sell gear, Mike Hess, Kevin Hansen, Paul Hannah, and all the rest who helped set up/clean up - it was a great way to kick off the season!
The pictures below cover some of the highlights of the day (click on the picture to enlarge).
The Class of '82-83 women gather for a morning row.
Class of '82 wondering how they got talked into this.
The senior men pull away from the field at 1300 meters.
Melissa Wengard, Matt Farrer and Matt Deakin prepare, with their senior teammates, to row the Dick Erickson.
San Diego Crew Classic
Here are some articles summarizing the results at the San Diego Crew Classic:
Or visit GoHuskies.com for in-depth coverage.
Pictures from San Diego - thank you Dave Slepyan:
Men's freshmen with open water lead at 500m to
Men's freshmen on the podium.
Women's JV with about 300m to go.
Women's JV on the podium.
Men's victorious JV 3 seats down to Cal with 250m to go.
Women's Varsity pulling away from the field to win the Whittier Cup.
Women's Varsity on the podium.
Washington/Wisconsin Dual
Washington won the Men's Varsity and JV events in the annual dual race on the Montlake Cut Saturday, April 20th. The Washington Freshmen raced in the JV event and finished third.
The margin of victory was about a length in the Varsity race, with Washington timed on a fast race course at 5:37.8 and Wisconsin at 5:40.8. The JV race was particularly exciting as the crews entered the cut (about 700m to go) with Wisconsin ahead by 3/4's of a length. The J's had drawn even at 200m to go and went on to win the race in a time of 5:43.1 to Wisconsin's 5:44.7. The Frosh were impressive staying with both JV crews down the entire course, finishing at 5:47.0.
See the pictures below for the perspective from the north side of the cut at 200m to go; more information and an article on the race can be found at GoHuskies.com.
Click here - UWBadgers.com - to see the Wisconsin take on the race.
Men's JV race - about 300m to go, Wisco up by 2 seats.
Men's JV's - about 200m to go.
Men's JV race down to the wire. Freshmen in the lane closest to the camera, Wisco in the middle, JV's outside.
Men's Varsity head under the Montlake Bridge.
Men's Varsity.
Huskies up by a length with 200m to go.
Heading for the finish.
The athletes at Conibear Shellhouse.
The gold W, after turning red overnight, becomes gold
California/Washington Dual
The Washington Men's and Women's Varsity crews have defeated Cal at the annual Cal/Washington Dual regatta.
The Husky men rowed the 2000 meter Redwood Shores course in 5:46.69, followed by California in 5:48.4.
The Husky women finished in 6:40.85, followed by Cal in 6:48.54.
Check out gohuskies.com for an article by Susan Reid who was at the Redwood Shores course and saw it unfold!
Varsity (minus 2) with the Schoch trophy. (thanks to Dave Slepyan)
The following pictures are thanks to Joe Oates -
Women's JV at the bridge.
Women's JV power through 1200m.
Women's Varsity.
Men's Varsity coming up to 1500m - the distance/angle distorts the margin between crews - here Washington is up by about 1.5 seconds.
Men's Varsity.
Windermere Cup - Opening Day 2002
The 16th annual Windermere Cup, featuring guests from Europe, Asia, and Australia, came to a conclusion Saturday May 4th living up to the reputation it has garnered over the years as one of the premier rowing events in the world.
On a blustery day that was apparently not enough to deter the tens of thousands of rowing fans that lined the course, all of the crews and athletes experienced the unique rowing venue that is Opening Day. From the starting line to the finish, crews were greeted with a cacophony of horns, shouts, bells and applause as they rowed the 2000 meter course.
Washington won the featured events of the day, including the Windermere Cup for varsity crews (men and women's events) and the 1st annual Dick Erickson Cascade Cup (men and women's jv) events. In the Windermere Challenge Cup for single sculls, Duncan Free of Australia edged away from a very tight race entering the cut to defeat Xeno Muller of Switzerland.
Thanks to KOMO 1000 radio and Fox Sports NW for the excellent coverage of the races. Replays of the Fox Sports NW hour-long coverage can be seen on May 5 at 5 p.m., May 11 at 4 p.m., May 14 at 2 p.m., May 18 at 5 p.m., and May 26 at 5 p.m.
Also a big thank you to Betsy Beard Stillings, Lois Kipper, Mischelle Day, and all of the volunteers who helped set-up the Stewards Enclosure Friday and Saturday - thank you Windermere Real Estate whose commitment to this event makes it what it is - and thank you DE for having the vision to create it!
Here are some of the articles you can read online:
Windermere Cup Results: Huskies Make Clean Sweep - at GoHuskies
The Seattle Times: Sports: UW's eights do a number on field in Windermere Cup
The Stewards Enclosure.
Part of the crowd at the finish line at the Stewards
The women's varsity at the flag.
Men's varsity.
Women's Varsity - that's Yvonneke Stenken (entertaining the crowd), Kara Nykreim, Carrie Stasiak, Adrienne Hunter, Heidi Hurn, Anna Mickelson, Annabel Ritchie, Lauren Estevenin, and Mary Whipple.
Men's Varsity - with once again, the bow seat entertaining the crowd - Kevin Smythe, Chris Hawkins, Dusan Nikolic, Sam Burns, Ryan Marks, Matt Deakin, John Lorton, Marko Petrovic, and Lucas Ahlstrand. The visiting team from Beijing University are to the right.
OSU/Washington Dual
GoHuskies has an article out on the races - the team performed well on Lake Vancouver - we'll check our sources and see if we can get some pictures up soon.
Grand Finals begin at 12:40 p.m. with 4's racing, followed by Frosh/Novice events (1:20 p.m.); JV events 2:00 (W) and 2:20 p.m. (M), and then the Varsity 8 finals at 3:00 (M) and 3:10 (W).
Update 1:50 p.m. 5/19:
Conditions on the course are less than perfect. The wind is blowing across the course as a quartering headwind, with gusts creating fluky conditions. The course currently has a chop, some whitecaps, although the lanes on the Lake Natoma course are relatively fair in their exposure.
The men's freshmen have just won the Pac-10 championship, finishing 2 - 3 lengths ahead of California. The women's novice have just finished third in their finals race. We will be back in about an hour for another update from the race course.
Update 2:50 p.m.
The weather conditions have deteriorated, with the temperature dropping and heavy rain beginning to come down over the course.
The women's JV have won their event, but the men have fallen short by a wide margin, with California winning by 3 lengths. Both races featured windy and wet conditions.
Update 3:25 p.m.
The women's Varsity have won the Pac-10 championship in form, beating the field by two lengths.
The men's Varsity race, however, was the race of the day. Under flatter conditions with the same crossing headwind, Cal and Washington broke from the pack after 500 meters. It then became a neck and neck race down the course until the final 200 meters, with Cal edging ahead in the final strokes as the crews sprinted. Cal won the race by a margin of about 2 seats.
Click here for an article on the races from GoHuskies.com.
You can check out all of the race results and splits at Jamcotimes.
Here are some of the newspaper stories about the races:
UW women cruise - Seattle P-I
Here are the pictures - thank you Joe Oates!
Men's freshmen.
Freshmen at the medal stand.
Women's Novice on the medal stand.
Women's JV.
Photographer's choice.
Women's JV trying to find some cover from the downpour.
Women's Varsity with about 150m to go.
Women's Varsity.
Women's Varsity on the podium. Hey Yvonneke and Mary, what's with the weather?
Men's Varsity. We're still working on finding some pictures of the race - we'll post as soon as we have them.
The Collegiate National Championships will be held May 30 - June 2nd, 2002. The women will be competing in Indianapolis at the NCAA Championship and the men will be on the Cooper River at Camden, NJ for the 100th running of the IRA Regatta.
We will be updating this section daily with stories and links until the races are complete. Check back with us for the latest information!
May 23: NCAAChampionships.com - The Official Site for NCAA Championships
IRA National Championships - IRA Info Site
UW crew loses a boat - DE lives on in the last sentence of this article.
May 24: row2k News: 2002 IRA Entries by event
row2k Rowing Video - terrific video of the MV8 Eastern Sprints final
May 25: NCAA Rowing Championships - link to IU, host of the 2002 event
NCAA Point System - We set up a page to show how the team championship is calculated at the NCAA Championship - this may become handy on the day of the finals.
May26: UW crew thrives on tradition - Spokane Spokesman Review
May 27: Anna's Almanac - read the latest from Anna
Men's Crew Visits 100th IRA Regatta - tons of info here, thanks Susan Reid
Women's Crew Prepares to Defend NCAA Title - also thanks to Susan
May 28: The Seattle Times: Huskies pull for national titles, long UW tradition
May 29: Men's Crew Opens Quest for National Championships - GoHuskies.com
May 30: Washington men have won heats in all IRA events entered - here are the results from this morning's racing - IRA National Championships
UW rowers begin championship quests - Seattle P-I
UW crews 'ready' - Seattle Times
Heavy fog delays first day of IRA 90 minutes - GoHuskies.com
Men's Crew Advances at IRA Regatta - GoHuskies.com
IRA Regatta Update - GoHuskies.com
UW Women Debut New Boat - fansonly.com
May31: The Men's Varsity 8 and Open 4 have won their semi-final races this morning and now advance to Saturday's final. The JV's advanced to their final yesterday, and the Freshmen won their semi-final. Click here - IRA National Championships for times.
The Seattle Times: Sports: Men's crew sweeps Day 1
Huskies advance at IRA regatta
UW Rowers Set Stage for IRA Grand Finals - GoHuskies.com
Want to read a ton of articles from all over the nation while you put off mowing the lawn? Well, here you go... FANSonly - Crew
IRA Finals (Saturday 6/1) important to Husky fans (all eastern time, so start checking in around 8:00 a.m. tomorrow Seattle time):
11:00 a.m. edt - Men's Open 4
1:30 p.m. edt - Men's Freshman 8
2:00 p.m. edt - Men's JV 8
4:00 p.m. edt - Men's Varsity 8
The Women's V8 and JV8 have won their first heats at the NCAA's - the V8 advances to the semi's (6/1 10:45 a.m. cdt) and the JV's automatically advance straight to Sunday's finals. The V4 finished 4th and will race again in a semi-final 6/1 at 9:45 a.m. cdt.
The Seattle Times: Top-ranked UW set to defend title
UW Varsity Eight Women Post Top Time - GoHuskies.com
Instant results can be found at RaceTrak.com
Excellent coverage of championships at Row2k.com
Husky Women's Eights Win Heat Races - 6/31 summary by Susan Reid
6/1 Here are this morning's articles:
UW men put full fleet into IRA finals - Seattle P-I
New boat, familiar start to NCAA Championships - Seattle Times
Washington, Cal eights win heats on Day 1 - Seattle Times
click here for: 2002 IRA Final Results
6-1 NCAA Update: 10:00 a.m. update: The Women's 4+ finished 3rd in their NCAA semi-final and will not row in the Grand Final on Sunday. They will face off with Cal in the Petite Final. See RaceTrak.com for results.
The Women's Varsity 8 have won their semi-final by open water - click here for an article at GoHuskies.com ----> UW Varsity Eight Posts Top Semifinal Time at NCAA Women's Rowing Championships :: Husky varsity and second varsity eights will race in Sunday's grand finals
click here for: 2002 NCAA Final Results
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